Source of Content (內容來源)
The meanings of some Chinese characters and words used on this site are sourced from the "Revised Dictionary of National Languages" (《重編國語辭典修訂本》) (Version Number: 2015_20231228, URL: http://dict.revised.moe.edu.tw/), the "Concise Dictionary of National Languages" (《國語辭典簡編本》) (Version Number: 2014_20231226, URL: http://dict.concised.moe.edu.tw/), and the "Dictionary of Idioms" (《成語典》) (Version Number: 2020_20231228, URL: http://dict.idioms.moe.edu.tw/), published by the Ministry of Education, R.O.C. (中華民國教育部). Users are permitted to use the data and materials from the above three websites in accordance with the "Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs Taiwan 3.0 License." According to this license, users must abide by the rules when using the information from the mentioned websites, and no modifications are allowed to the individual entries' terms, pronunciations, definitions, sources, bibliographies, and usage explanations. Users are also prohibited from converting the content into simplified characters. However, adjustments that involve code conversion based on the comparison table provided by the Ministry of Education, or modifications that do not alter the entire content of individual entries on the three websites, are not considered a violation of the prohibition against modifications as stipulated in the terms.
The stroke count and stroke order data for Chinese characters used on this site are sourced from the Ministry of Education, Republic of China's "Standard Forms of Common National Characters - Learning the Strokes and Stroke Order Website" (《國字標準字體筆順學習網》). The work is licensed under the "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Taiwan License." If a citation is required, please attribute the source to the "Ministry of Education, Republic of China," and include the URL https://stroke-order.learningweb.moe.edu.tw/ for the "Standard Forms of Common National Characters - Learning the Strokes and Stroke Order Website."
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